Social platform for Investors

Elexoft Portfolio

Project Description

Investociety is a global community for investors as their name suggests. Join this community of investors and be part of the community! Engage with your friends and with other investors, discuss stocks and your investments, inform yourself about stocks, read news about stocks and discover new stocks and trading strategies.


Discover new stocks

Get the latest financial market news and stock news, ranging from large caps to penny stocks

Share ideas and stock information

Create polls for the investment community

Share, like, and follow other investors

Keep an eye on your favorite stocks

Get real-time market data

Stock research: Find all information about your favorite stock on one platform

Do your stock research and share your stock research with other users

Forum: Discuss about the financial markets with other users, your trading strategy, and your favorite stocks

Project Details

  • Country: Germany

Style Switcher

12 Predefined Color Skins Top Bar Color Layout Style Patterns for Boxed Version